Friday, July 31, 2009

What Employees Say Can Hurt Your Business

My last two blogs were about Casinos. Let's try the grocery stores and a very positive note about a salon experience I had last night. The Customer Service counter in the store I was in yesterday was anything but Customer Service oriented.

POINT: Do not allow your employees tell a customer "That is not my job. It is that person over there"

POINT: Do not allow your employees to say"I'll be there soon".

POINT: Do not allow your employees to say"What do you want?" Now, the woman who cut my hair last night was so wonderful , not only in the great haircut, but in her Customer Service prsonality. Angela Parris at Ritual Salon and Spa in Las Vegas was so pleasant and friendly and sincere and and and...... It was so refreshing. Cudos to Angela and her management staff who were also very courteous.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Customer Service Dilemma

How often have you asked someone where something is or how to get to a certain area of their building? Most of us have probably done such. How many times is the answer non-committal? You might get someone to point and say "It's over there". Once again, a lot of money is spent on advertising and it is blown on an employee not going a small extra step to help out a customer. I guess I am using Casinos as an example because I am in Las Vegas.

POINT: Make a friend and go the extra step. Show them where they want to go (if possible).

POINT: Listen when they have a question or problem. You might know the answer.

POINT: If you do not have an answer, find someone who will know the answer. Do not leave the person hanging. By doing this, not only will you please your customer, you will give them the confidence they need to have for a return trip to your Casino or company.

For more go to and Follow me on Twitter at lvpublicity

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Adding Service to Customer Service

The problem today seems to be that companies are talking the game of Customer Service, but do not seem to follow through. As an example, the past Saturday night, I had an encounter with supervisor of a Casino and was talked down to as if I were a child. When I questioned her approach, she replied, " That's the way it is". This company spends a lot of money on advertising and it will go to waste because of attitudes like that.

POINT: Think before you speak. The next words you speak may be your last at that company.
POINT: The words that your employee used may trash your advertising once the customers start talking.

POINT: Continue to train on a daily basis and remind everyone the importance of their individual service. Maybe the people doing the training should be looked at as their delivery may be a problem.

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